baggages, baggages, baggages... that is wat my shayang has been telling me.. since day 1... i knew dat.. in any case who doesnt have any baggages.. i have... and it is a really really really big one. so why should i be fazed by all that... and it is these baggages that has aided me in losing my friends... well wat can i do... wen u lose friends, make new ones... that is all there is to it...
things do change with the blink of an eye... one minute you are happy, another you are sad and vice versa... its all ups and downs folks...
for now i am looking forward to the upward slope...
and Jacky.. dont u dare philosophise on my blog!!! BIAATTCCHHH!!!!!
Finger Acrobatics Performed
On Wednesday, April 27, 2005 at 1:03 pm.
Skip It and Leave Some!